Friday, August 17, 2007

23 Things, Week 4

Well, no pictures yet--although I did take some. I just haven't uploaded them. My son, the complete tech ignoramus, says it takes a long time to upload pictures with our antiquated dial-in Internet connection at home. I have looked at the photos on our computer. This weekend, I promise, I'm going to do something with them.

Flash: Yesterday my husband and I bought a new digital camera. He's a Pentax man from way back, so, of course, a Pentax is what we've bought. We're both looking forward to playing with it. My first pictures will be of the cookbook I made for my son, who is returning to college tomorrow. He has rented a house with some friends and asked us to teach him how to cook. Well, that was in May. I think he's cooked two or three things this summer. But I organized a cookbook for him anyway. A friend gave me the blank book, so I want to have pictures so I can show her how it turned out. (I can't show her because I just finished it this morning, and tomorrow it's leaving home with its new owner. Talk about last minuting!)

RSS feeds! I've known about them, but haven't seen any need to have one. Now I needed to subscribe for 23 Things, so I visited Bloglines and subscribed to several things that look interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing something good in my e-mail now.

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